Monday, January 30, 2012

Eyelashes Care

When some hair is left on the brush after brushing, we see it as normal; and in case of heavy hair lost there are many ways to strengthen it. But when eyelashes come out many women are lost, they try to use less eye makeup, but do not strengthen their eyelashes. In the following article you will find out, how to take care of eyelashes so that they are fluffy and luxuriant.

Eye Makeup Removal

Daily we use mascara and eye shadows, so the top priority in taking care of our eyes should be taken by the removal of makeup. Before bed makeup should be removed from the eyelashes so that the eyes and the eyelashes can rest during the night.
Plant oil or your regular makeup remover can be used to remove makeup. The makeup should be removed with soft movements without strong pressure or stretching force on the skin – the skin around eyes is very sensitive. It is done with spiral movements from the roots to the ends of the eyelashes. Camomile or black tea potions are also good for washing up the face; they cut off insignificant inflammatory processes.

Brush the Eyelashes

Eyelashes demand attention and care in order to be silky and well-groomed, they have to be brushed every morning and every night with a special brush (mascara brush can be used as well) oiled with warm castor or olive oil, in this way the growth of eyelashes is improved, and they become stronger and softer. Burdock and rose oils also have a universal softening effect on eyelashes and eyelids. When the procedure is done systematically the growth of eyelashes intensifies and they become silky.

Herbal Compresses for Fluffy Eyelashes

To make your eyelashes especially fluffy you can try an old reliable recipe – eye lotion. Make a decoction with the flowers of calendula and cornflower. Pour three tea spoons of each plant with boiling water. Leave the mix for three days, then it is ready to begin applying 15-20 minute compresses. The decoction should be of homeroom temperature. Using only cornflower decoction is also helpful.
Alternative treatments work slowly but surely. The token of success is the regularity of application.

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