Friday, February 24, 2012

Sex secrets: What We Hide from Men

Frankness in sex is a sign of a good love life. But frankly speaking, it is unlikely to find a woman who has no secrets from men. What are we hiding and why?

Former boyfriends

Secrets of sexual past: when and under what circumstances you lost virginity, how stormy was your love life, and medical card information- we prefer to keep most of this information behind the scenes of a new relationship especially those ones that seem serious.


No, this is not about infidelity or stories that lead to them, which emerge in times of crisis. It is not about something that goes beyond decency and which we would never praise. In real life, there are enough temptations, which are absolutely safe for relationships and are quite acceptable by public morality, but which does not absolutely fit into the ethical concepts of most men, or such are just extremely offensive to them. According to surveys, about 70% of married women masturbate despite the fact that they are satisfied with sex with their husband. Men know only a third of these cases.

Erotica and porn

Checking out erotic resources is among the category of sex secrets codenamed “when he is not there”. The question of how you managed to be here will find a clear answer: I miss something in bed. And this is a serious blow to self-esteem. Well, of course, men should not know who among Hollywood celebrities and colleagues you are always dreaming of.

What Women Never Tell Men

There are things that no man will ever want to know (therefore, women would never tell a partner about such things):
  • a couple of your closest female friends, colleagues and your mother’s psychologist know that you really do not enjoy sex with him;
  • the look of an athletic tanned handsome man on the beach make you think about sex no less than his intellectual coquetry;
  • you have not quite forgotten the names of all your former lovers and you sometimes like recalling the pleasant moments of sex with them and it seems like fun;
  • there are times when you exaggerate a bit, praising his sexual quality and deeds just to please him.

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